You can love someone, but when you fail to understand them, you can’t live with them” Counselor Adofoli

Frank Edem Adofoli

The Renowned Counselor, Speaker, Motivator, Entrepreneur and Author, founder and CEO of Share Your Worry, a community where people find real time solutions to real time issues Mr. Frank Edem Adofoli has released a new book with the title “Date wrong, Marry wrong” 
He post a highlight of the book for people interested people to read to know more about relationship matters. below is the except of the book, cost and where to get it. 
“You can love someone so much, but when you fail to understand them, you can’t live with them. Such a relationship will eventually come to an end. And if you want to be with them, you take every conflict as a test for your relationship. Passing such tests advance your relationship, makes it stronger, grows the love.
A wrong partner is the one who never learns anything from a relationship and thinks he or she is always right. They even proceed to make their partner feel bad, pushing all the blame on them when they have issue in the relationship. Such a person is a warehouse of hurt. No matter how much you try, it won’t work.
A wrong partner is the one who doesn’t want to tackle issues or resolve conflict in a relationship. They feel uncomfortable when you mention the topic or bring it up. They distant themselves, pretend the conflict never happened, and wait for time to elapse so you can forget. Such a relationship comes to an end prematurely. You should not travel on a marital journey with such a partner. One day, you will get tired of them” -Counselor Adofoli 

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