Written by Otumfourtv
Meet Emelda Adjei, the journalist who abandoned media work to go pursue a career in carpentry

Emelda Adjei’s decision to move out of the media fraternity to go embrace a new profession as a carpenter or better still woodworker is due to the pursuit for happiness and fulfilment.

One will be surprised to see someone abandon the revered and highly admired journalism career to go do what many consider as menial job or work meant for unskilled labour.

Well, you may be wrong for having such an assumption especially when Emelda Adjei has proven that it feels better to work for yourself than to work for someone.

In an exclusive interview with Ghanaweb’s BizTech, she said an inward desire to pursue carpentry drove her into it and she has never had any regret since.

According to her, although she had no prior skill and training in carpentry, she was able to set up the Think Emmy’s Interior Décor which has provided employment to other people and that is why Emelda thinks she took the right step.

She admitted to the fact that entreneurship is a hard venture but if one is willing and determined to work to see his or her dream come into fruition, it will definitely work out.

Emelda Adjei and his team of employees are specialized in several carpentery disciplines which include the reupholstering ,making of couches, bed pallets etc through the use of old car tyres.

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